Father’s Day

Since it is Father’s Day here in Australia today I thought I would post one of my favorite poems about Father’s that I have in my collection and a few others i feel are related to Father’s.

i don’t remember where I got this poem, nor have I recorded who wrote it. But here it is .

What Makes A Dad

God took the majesty of a mountain

The majesty of a tree

the warmth of a Summer sun

The calm of a quite sea

The generous soul of nature

The comforting arm of night

The wisdom of the ages

The power of the eagles flight

The joy of a morning in spring

The faith of a mustard seed

The patience of eternity

The depth of a family need

Then God combined these qualities

And then there was nothing more to add

He knew his masterpiece was complete

And so he called it . . .  .  .Dad!

And now for something completly different, and a bit humourous.

“A Father said he knew his son was growing up when he saw him looking at a girl the way he used to look at chocolate cake.”

James Dent

To finish off, from one of my favorite western writers, Louis L’Amour- from his book ‘High Lonesome’

“Folks talk a lot about the maternal feelings in a woman, but they say nothing about man’s need to protect and care for someone; yet the one feeling is as basic as the other.”

                               High Lonesome                                                                                Louis L’Amour

So Happy Father’s Day to all the Father out there.  Spend time with your families and enjoy your life.

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